Our Mission

To offer you the world's most exquisite natural colored gemstones at lower than wholesale prices, imbued with divine consciousness and heartfelt gratitude


Seeker’s Gems deals exclusively in Natural Gemstones mined directly from the earth ethically and sourced responsibly. Standard heat treatment which is accepted industrywide, will be noted on our product information as applicable. We do not deal in beryllium treated, glass filled, lab created or diffused gemstones. Our gemstones can be GIA Certified upon request*

An Under-rated Investment Tool

A precious natural colored gemstone can present a robust and time-tested investment opportunity. In contrast to the diamond market, where supply is artificially controlled, precious colored gemstones like high-quality sapphires, rubies, tsavorites, and tanzanite possess greater intrinsic rarity and value. These gemstones are naturally scarce in the earth, with many mines largely depleted, and recent consumer and fashion trends strongly favoring them. When choosing Seeker’s Gems, you are investing in gemstones that are poised to appreciate exponentially over time.

Seeking The Gem Within

The journey of colored gemstones parallels the inner journey of human beings in a metaphysical reflection. Each phase, with its complexities and intricacies, strikingly mirrors the other in a poetic manner. From the rough gemstone symbolizing the unpolished inner state of a human being, to the intense pressure and heat deep within the earth mirroring the trials and challenges of internal struggles, and finally, the brilliance of a faceted gemstone representing a refined and purified human soul — the mystical universe of colored gemstones unveils profound truths and lessons with every contemplative moment.

Positive Socio-Economic Impact

Colored gemstone mines tend to be scattered across various regions globally, each producing specific types of gems based on local geological conditions. Colored gemstone mining often involves artisanal and small-scale mining operations that  often provide employment for local villagers. This can include jobs such as miners, laborers, gemstone sorters, and support staff, thereby contributing to local economic development. Furthermore, the colored gemstone industry particularly in Sri Lanka has positive outcomes such as providing an economic boost to local economies, community development, preservation of cultural heritage and empowerment of women in the workforce.

Why Seeker’s Gems?

Seeker's Gems explores the many facets that make up the art of taking a universal journey towards the source of beauty, rarity and durability . It delves into energies that transcend our immediate senses. Every individual is continuously in pursuit of something meaningful. From the moment a newborn seeks its mother upon entering the world, the parents instinctively comforting their child, the leaves seeking sunlight and water, and the air seeking pollen to be carried to its predestined location— each seeks purpose and means of fulfillment. Whether it be a nomad seeking sustenance for daily survival or a billionaire seeking a piece of art for its artisanal value, human beings are inherently driven to seek in every fleeting moment. This innate quest extends to the most essential of acts, such as the lungs seeking the precise blend of elements in the air we breathe.

While our energies are fervently directed towards navigating the fragmented universe of multiplicity, the inherent exhaustion in this pursuit often overshadows the belief that we will find within this realm what we seek. By multiplicity, I refer to the layers of veils that obscure our hearts from grasping the source that initially prompted our inclination to seek. The entity that instilled this inclination must possess the secrets of what truly deserves our pursuit. The veils have disillusioned many before us and may continue to distort the journeys of countless seekers across generations. Yet, even these veils serve a harmonious purpose. It is reasonable to consider that a veil signifies and directs attention to something that is concealed. This notion is intuitively sensible.

path should lead me towards the realm where veils reside. Veils contain cryptic messages that hint at a pathway to uncovering what lies hidden, to some. The colored gemstone has the ability to mesmerize the senses and turn one back to live and relish the sphere of egotism. However, It also has the innate ability to wonderer to the shores of nearness. It has been granted the power to attract the gaze of the passerby, guiding them towards introspection and deeper contemplation. Through these moments of stillness mirrored reality might show us our true nature and what seeking is all about.The natural colored gemstone, beyond being a significant financial investment and a rare marvel of the Earth's beauty, represents shimmering flashes of brilliance directed towards the Creator. Join us as we endeavor to uncover the mysteries behind this world's most illustrious veils and Seek Reality, God Willing.